Sunday, August 16, 2015

Padlet Now Has an iPad App!

Last week Padlet released their iPad app!

Here are some ways that you can use Padlet with your students.

KWL Chart:  Have students use the Padlet to post what they 'Know' and  what they 'Want to know'.  After teaching a lesson they can post what they 'Learned'.

Share Your Students Work:  If your students are making videos, online posters or presentations, or creating slideshows you can display ALL of your students work on ONE page by having the students put their name and their link on the Padlet.

Research and Discussion:  Start a discussion on a topic of interest.  Have students go to the internet and find websites, you tube videos, and other links to post to the Padlet so that everyone can view the information.  Stop and check out some of the links and videos to discuss as a class.

Blogging:  Padlet can be used as a collaborative blog when set up in the 'stream' layout.  You can set it up so that there is a password and you can moderate the posts before they show up on the Padlet.

Book Reviews:  Students can post questions, discuss characters, and highlight favorite quotes.

Greeting Cards or 'Thank You' Wall:  If you have had a guest speaker this would be great to use to have all of the students' thank you notes in one spot.  You can then share the link to the Padlet for your speaker to see.   You could also use it to send  to teachers/students/staff who may be out due to a  illness.  Everyone's greetings are on one 'wall'.

The possibilities are endless!

Another Great Way to use Google

Thought this was cool!  I can see students using it if they had to research something that happened years ago and then they could share the link to the actual newspaper article (in this case it was 1974)  as part of their project.  For example, I just typed in Richard Nixon Resigns and found this link:  

(Funny  that the  newspaper only cost 15 cents back then!)  What I thought was also neat was that you can click over to the side and see the whole newspaper so you can see the weather forecast, advertisements, other articles making the news, etc... from that time .

To check it out go to google and then search for "Google newspaper archive".  

Here is a video that shows how to look something up if you have trouble: